AVOIR Workpages

Available as an instant downloadable file, Avoir Workpages provides an assortment of reproducible exercises at different levels to provide your students with extra practice for this essential verb. Many of the pages provided are taken from Nallenart’s popular French curriculum for homeschool and classroom, L’Art de LIRE. Avoir Workpages C$9.95 View sample pages. Sponsored by … Read more

Expressions with AVOIR – age

French uses the verb avoir to tell how old someone is.
   How old are you?
      Quel âge as-tu? (kel ahzh* ah tyoo)**
   I am ten years old.
      J’ai dix ans. (zhay* deez ah)**
Read the question, then answer in French.
   Quel âge as-tu?
* zh sounds like “g” in beige or “s” in measure.
** Please keep in mind that these pronunciation guides give only a
crude approximation of the actual French sounds.

For more work with AVOIR, download Nallenart’s Avoir Workpages.

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Expressions with AVOIR – soif

j’ai soif (zhay* SWAHF)** = I am thirsty

In English, we use the phrase “I am thirsty” to let someone know we need a drink. In this sentence “am,” the being word, is used. To make the same statement in French, avoir (the having word) is used. The French phrase for “I am thirsty,” j’ai soif, uses the having verb avoir. Even though this phrase literally means “I have thirst,” we would translate it as “I am thirsty,” because that is how we would say it in English.

This is what the different forms of this phrase look like in the
present tense.

j’ai soif
-I am thirsty
nous avons soif
-we are thirsty
tu as soif
-you are thirsty
vous avez soif
-you are thirsty
il a soif
-he is thirsty
ils ont soif
-they are thirsty
elle a soif
-she is thirsty
elles ont soif
-they are thirsty

For more work with AVOIR, download Nallenart’s Avoir Workpages.

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Expressions with avoir

Avoir (to have) is used in many common expressions in French. Some of these are quite different from English, so you must memorize them. 1. avoir chaud (a-VWAHR shoh)*- to be hot2. avoir froid (a-VWAHR frwah)- to be cold3. avoir mal (a-VWAHR mal)- to be sick4. avoir faim (a-VWAHR fay)- to be hungry5. avoir soif … Read more


Just posted! Try Club Mimi’s quiz on the forms of the verb AVOIR in the present tense: Quiz: AVOIR = to have Sponsored by Nallenart. For more information about L’Art de lire and other products, visit our website: Nallenart.com

avoir = to have

The verb avoir describes having something. It is also used in many different expressions in French where different verbs might be used in English. to have = avoirI have = j’ai*you have (singular) = tu ashe has = il ashe has = elle ait has = il a or elle awe have = nous avonsyou … Read more